Innenraum eines Autos mit einem digitalen Display und moderner Beleuchtung

Bringing ideas to life.

From the concept phase to series production: we accompany the entire product development process.

Product development

Our product development is characterised by innovation and quality. With our experienced team of engineers and designers, we bring your ideas to life and create products that revolutionise the market. We utilise the latest technologies and methods to develop products that are not only functional but also aesthetically pleasing. We are passionate about working with our customers to create products that make a real difference.


Research & Analytics

Research and analytics are indispensable components of our product development. By comprehensively determining the market situation and carefully analysing data, we gain valuable insights into the needs and preferences of the targeted user group. We analyse the requirements in great detail and create a persona for the respective usage profile, such as long-distance driving, sporty driving, or use in an urban environment. These insights enable us to make informed decisions and develop systems that fulfill market needs. In this way, we create products that are not only functional and aesthetically pleasing but also offer real added value for all vehicle occupants.

Person steht vor einem großen Bildschirm und analysiert Daten
Teammitglieder sitzen an einem Tisch und diskutieren

Project initiation and planning

Before we start a project, we attach great importance to thorough planning. With a detailed briefing, we ensure that we understand your vision and goals precisely. Through workshops and the creation of use cases, personas, and user stories, we gain deep insights into the needs of your vehicle user group. We want to determine the depth of our support: Is it just hardware development or do you need a complete solution including a user manual? This careful preparation enables us to develop customised solutions that are precisely tailored to your requirements.

System design & architecture

System design and architecture are crucial aspects in the development of infotainment systems and associated software. They lay the foundation for the scalability, maintainability, and performance of a system. A well-thought-out system design takes into account aspects such as data flow, user interactions, and technical requirements. Architecture, on the other hand, deals with the structuring and organisation of system components, their interaction, and the underlying principles that guide the system. The development of system design and architecture is one of our key tasks at the start of a project.

Entwickler interagiert mit holografischen Daten und Grafiken an einem Laptop


Person klebt Post-its auf ein gläsernes Board und arbeitet an einem Designprozess

The design process

Our approach is to precisely understand the requirements, ideas, and desired functionalities of our customers. Through intensive communication and close cooperation, we take a close look at the need to develop a deep understanding of the specific requirements. This enables our design team to understand not only the technical aspects but also the individual wishes. We aim to incorporate these insights into the design process and create customised system designs and graphical user interfaces (GUIs) that fully meet and inspire our customers’ expectations.

Teammitglieder sitzen an einem Tisch und diskutieren

Briefing/analysis and planning

The briefing is about getting to the heart of the matter and defining requirements and ideas. We will set goals and plan deadlines based on this.

Zwei Personen arbeiten zusammen an Konzepten und Ideen auf einem Schreibtisch

Concept and brainstorming

We strive for long-term growth and stability through efficient processes and responsible use of resources.

Moderne Benutzeroberfläche und Infotainmentsystem im Fahrzeug

Information architecture

Desired functions and content are designed in the form of wireframes to create a contemporary user concept, taking into account optimum user-friendliness and logical structure.

Person arbeitet an einem Designprojekt mit Skizzen und Plänen


Once the evaluation process is complete, our design team moves swiftly to turn the design concept into a concrete reality.

Designer arbeitet am Computer an 2D/3D Modellierung und Rendering

2D/3D modelling and rendering

Designers and engineers work closely together to transform the project into production-ready design data.

Prototyping von Fahrzeugkomponenten im Labor


The design concept is made tangible in the form of a software simulation or a prototype and often marks a significant milestone in the process.

Ingenieur führt Tests an einem Laptop im Auto durch


Before the project is transferred to series production, our test engineers ensure absolute freedom from errors and carry out the final test process.

Nahaufnahme einer industriellen Maschine im Einsatz


Our designers ensure that our high quality standards are maintained throughout the entire development process, right up to series production.

User Experience Design

User experience design (UXD) is an important aspect of the development of products and services. It is about designing the interaction between users and digital interfaces in such a way that an optimal experience is created. We are convinced that user experience design gives us the opportunity to create unrivaled user experiences that inspire and thus offer added value for our customers. We aim to create results that stand out from the crowd and offer a unique experience. We place particular emphasis on user-friendliness, quality, and innovation.

Hände, die auf einem Papierdesign arbeiten
Digitales Tachometer auf einem Bildschirm

The user interface

User experience design (UXD) is an important aspect of the development of products and services. It involves designing the interaction between users and digital interfaces in such a way that an optimal experience is created. We are convinced that user experience design gives us the opportunity to create unique user experiences that inspire and thus offer added value for our customers. Our goal is to create results that stand out from the crowd and offer a unique experience. We place particular emphasis on user-friendliness, quality, and innovation.

Documentation service

With our expertise in writing operating instructions, we ensure that your customers can use the product without any problems. We create informative and user-friendly manuals that also take customer-specific design specifications into account. From the font, design, and format to the choice of materials for printed products – we do everything we can to ensure that your customers are impressed. In the interests of sustainability, we also supply the manuals digitally. Do you need multilingual instructions? No problem, we deliver them from Afrikaans to Zhuang!

Frau arbeitet an einem Computer im Büro
Person zeichnet Verpackungsdesigns auf einem Papier

Retail packaging

Would you like to develop a near-series retrofit system with us and need suitable sales packaging for your end customers? Our service also includes the development of packaging that not only protects, but also inspires. With creative design and well thought-out functionality, we make every packaging a part of the product story. We attach great importance to sustainability and consider environmentally friendly materials and processes in our packaging. We are enthusiastic about doing our bit for the environment. We also provide support in complying with current specifications and standards for material declaration, e.g. by applying recycling codes.


Holographische Karte mit einem markierten Zielpunkt

Integration of additional and third-party services

The future of vehicle technology is here! With the integration of services such as navigation software, Android Auto, Apple CarPlay, SiriusXM, online radio, and many other apps, the driving experience is being redefined. The complete technical integration and the certification processes with the providers are handled by our experts. We know the special stumbling blocks of certification very well and ensure smooth certification.

Development of the architecture

In product and software development, architecture is the key to success. Every product is carefully designed to meet the diverse requirements. Technical drawings and models form the basis for the design and structure of product development. In software development, the focus is on high-level structural designs, selecting the best design patterns, data structures, and algorithms. Careful planning and consideration of requirements result in a high-quality end product.

Person arbeitet an einem digitalen Architekturmodell auf einem interaktiven Display
Person arbeitet an einem Computer mit einem digitalen Schaltplan

Mechanical Engineering

Every design is brought to life with precision and attention to detail, meeting the demands of the modern world. Our expertise and creativity deliver solutions that push the boundaries of what is possible. Quality and reliability are our top priorities. We deliver products that stand the test of time.

Electrical Engineering

Electrical engineering is the driving force behind the latest technologies. It unleashes the power of electronics and brings the digital world to life. It is the art and science of utilising electricity, electronics and electromagnetism to develop technologies that enrich our everyday lives. We create durable and reliable electronic products with a relentless pursuit of quality and innovation.

Nahaufnahme eines Mikrochips auf einer Platine
Programmierer arbeiten an Computern in einem modernen Büro

Software Engineering

It involves a variety of activities, including requirements analysis, system design, programming, testing, and maintenance. Software engineers use their technical knowledge and creativity to develop software solutions that solve complex problems and provide value to users. With a strong focus on quality and efficiency, software engineers strive to develop robust and reliable systems that meet the demands of the modern digital world.

Mockup & Prototyping

Phases of sample development

From the initial idea to the production line: As a series supplier for the automotive industry, we offer our customers comprehensive expertise in the design and manufacture of infotainment systems, automotive displays, navigation solutions, connectivity, and driver assistance systems.

Innenansicht eines modernen Fahrzeugs mit digitalem Cockpit und luxuriösem Design
Digitales Tachodisplay eines Autos

Product development

With the variety of services designed to achieve business goals and maximise success, our offering sets new standards.

Ingenieur arbeitet an einer Maschine in einer Werkstatt


Engineering is our art of combining technical expertise and innovation to develop high-quality solutions that master your challenges.

Ingenieur erstellt ein Modell mit einem 3D-Drucker


Prototyping brings visions to life by creating tangible models that give you a realistic impression of the solution.

Maschine in einer Produktionsanlage


Prototyping brings visions to life by creating tangible models that give you a realistic impression of the solution.


Person interagiert mit einem Fahrzeug-Infotainmentsystem

Whitebox tests

White box testing is an indispensable method for ensuring the quality of our systems. It enables us to check the internal structure and operation of the system by directly testing functions and their source code both independently and integrated into the overall software. This enables us to ensure that unexpected conditions are intercepted, resources are saved and the system operates robustly and reliably.

Blackbox tests

Black box testing is the most effective method for checking the functionality of software and hardware. It allows us to evaluate the system’s reactions to user actions without the need for special prior knowledge or expertise from the user/customer spectrum. This test method ensures that our product not only fulfils the specified requirements but is also intuitive and user-friendly.

Person hält ein Smartphone mit einer Software-Testanwendung im Auto
Auto fährt auf einer kurvenreichen Straße durch eine bergige Landschaft

Road tests

Road tests are an important phase in our product development. They offer the opportunity to test new technologies under real-life conditions. Various aspects such as usability under driving conditions, quality of the tuner and GPS modules, navigation functionality, or automatic regional adjustments are evaluated. These tests take place internationally and are crucial to ensure that the system meets customer requirements and expectations. The tests follow the black box test principle.

Environmental tests

Our environmental tests simulate the climatic and mechanical stresses to which products are exposed during their service life. In particular, we optimise the reliability and performance of our systems in accelerated ageing testing. We also consider electromagnetic influences, vibrations, and the display performance and readability of displays. Acoustic tests are also conducted on all systems.

Fahrzeug fährt durch eine Wüstenlandschaft
Zwei Personen testen ein Infotainmentsystem im Auto

Usability tests

A usability test is the key to an intuitive, user-friendly, and usable product design. This type of testing makes it possible to optimise the user experience and ensure that the software or hardware meets the needs of the target group. Through systematic observation and targeted feedback from users, weak points can be identified and products improved.

UX tests

UX testing is the crucial step in taking products to the next level. It allows us to measure and optimize the user experience by capturing real user reactions. Through UX testing, we can ensure that the product is not only functional but also intuitively appealing. We invest in UX testing to develop products that users will love!

Person arbeitet mit einem holografischen Display im Auto

Quality management

Our commitment to the highest standards

Our test engineers play a crucial role in ensuring freedom from defects, optimum function, and the highest quality in all phases of product development and series production. We utilize certified processes and standards to ensure that our products meet the highest quality requirements. Our special focus on quality is not only reflected in our certifications but also in the high standards that our employees set for their work and products. This is supported by our compliance management, which ensures that we fulfill all relevant regulations and standards in our industry. This enables us to deliver products of outstanding quality that meet the highest requirements.

Person interagiert mit einem Fahrzeug-Infotainmentsystem
Person berührt einen holografischen Bildschirm

Quality management

Quality management with us means perfection in every detail. We are committed to excellence, because your satisfaction is our ultimate goal!

Person in einem Labor arbeitet an einem elektronischen Gerät

Industrial standards

We are proud that our components are qualified for the automotive industry. We are guided by important standards such as IATF 16949, AEC-Q100 and AEC-Q200.

Person arbeitet an einem Whiteboard mit Post-its

Certified processes

With our certified processes, we guarantee the highest quality and compliance with all relevant industry standards.

Person interagiert mit einem Fahrzeug-Infotainmentsystem

Quality assurance

Quality assurance at our company means that we are committed to delivering first-class and reliable products at all times.

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