
MB Citan/Radio Navigation System KR1C Updates Navigation Software

Step-by-step instructions

Never remove the USB stick while it is in progress. Never turn off the system or cut off the power supply during the update. Note that the system will automatically turn off 30 minutes after the vehicle ignition is turned off. Therefore, updates that take longer than 30 minutes must be carried out with the vehicle ignition switched on.
Important note!
If you receive the message ‚access is denied‘ or similar error message while the USB flash drive is being prepared, it may be due to the following reason: It is possible that your USB flash drive has been formatted in a format that does not correspond to the FAT system. Please reformat your USB stick on the PC in this system.
Important note!
With the purchase of the system, you have received a free update of the card data. You must update the map within 30 days if you use the „PC tool“ for the first time or from the time you first travel more than 20 km from your starting point, otherwise you may incur additional costs.
Note and link to the document
Speed alert declaration

Requirements for using the navigation updates

a. You have the above-mentioned vehicle type
b. You have the software „Sync-Tool
c. You have the software „PC-Tool
d. You have a PC equipped with:
    • Microsoft Windows® operating system (Windows XP Service Pack 2, Windows Vista 32-bit versions or Windows 7/8/10)
    • Internet access without restrictions due to firewalls and blocking of downloads
    • USB port
    • Software for unzipping compressed files (RAR files).
e. You will also need an empty USB stick with at least 8 GB of storage capacity

1. Download PC Tool and Sync Tool to PC

Download the sync tool and copy it to the USB stick

a. Download the „Sync-Tool“ (Click on the right mouse button, select „Save target as“)
b. Unzip the downloaded package to your PC
c. Connect an empty USB stick to your PC and copy the folder „synctool“ to the USB stick
d. After the copying process is finished, remove the USB stick from your PC

Download and install PC tool on PC

Download the „PC-Tool“ (click on the right mouse button, select „Save target as“) and install the software on your PC
There may be short delays when connecting the devices due to the weak internet connection/low network speed.

2. Prepare the USB stick on the system for the update

a. Connect the prepared USB flash drive to the system and select the source USB flash drive
b. The sync tool will now start automatically. Please follow the instructions on the screen
c. A status screen will show you the progress of the process
d. Wait for the device to tell you to remove the USB flash drive. Now it is prepared to save the update
e. Turn off the device

3. Downloading an update using the PC tool

a. Connect the USB stick prepared on the Classic Infotainment System to the PC
b. Start the PC tool and log in with your credentials or create a new account
c. We recommend that you back up your data from the USB stick using the PC tool i.e.
d. Use the PC tool to download updates or buy other extras
There may be short delays when connecting the devices due to the weak internet connection/low network speed.
e. Disconnect the USB stick from the PC

4. Perform the update on the system

a. Connect the USB flash drive and the downloaded update to the system and select the source USB flash drive. The sync tool will now start automatically
b. A status screen shows you the progress of the update. The update can take from a few seconds to an hour, depending on the amount of data you need to renew
c. Wait for the system to prompt you to remove the USB stick
d. You can now use the updated navigation, additional maps and other content of your navigation
e. Turn off the device
Never remove the USB stick while it is in progress. Never turn off the radio navigation system or cut off the power supply during the update. Note that the radio navigation system can be switched off automatically after 30 minutes. Updates that take longer than 30 minutes must therefore be done while the engine is running.

Important note!
If you receive the message ‚access is denied‘ or similar error message while the USB flash drive is being prepared, it may be due to the following reason: It is possible that your USB flash drive has been formatted in a format that does not correspond to the FAT system. Please reformat your USB stick on the PC in this system.

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