
Always connected.

Development and integration of interfaces to mobile devices.

Data input and power supply

For smooth data exchange, including media, firmware updates and contact details, between external sources such as mobile devices or data carriers and driver information systems, we provide the necessary connectivity and connectivity options. This includes both the hardware-side integration of USB interfaces, SD card controllers, Bluetooth or Wifi modules as well as the software-side connection and control. In addition, the power supply of external devices is also realized through Wireless/Fast Charging.

Mobile Device Connectivity

Interface hardware

For smooth data exchange between external sources such as mobile devices or data carriers and driver information systems, we provide the necessary connectivity and the corresponding connection options. This includes the hardware-side integration of USB interfaces, SD card controllers as well as Bluetooth and Wifi modules. These hardware components allow users to seamlessly connect a variety of devices and media to the vehicle system.

Interface software

In addition, we ensure the software-side connection and control of these interfaces in order to enable seamless communication and data transmission. Our software solutions are designed to support various file formats and protocols, which increases compatibility and ease of use. This means that users can easily share music, videos, firmware updates, and contact details between their devices and the vehicle system.

Hardware for power supply

Another important aspect is the power supply of external devices, which is realized through modern technologies such as wireless charging and fast charging. These solutions ensure that connected devices not only exchange data, but can also be charged efficiently and quickly. Wireless charging has the advantage of allowing devices to be charged without a cable connection, further increasing convenience and ease of use. Fast Charging ensures that charging times are minimized so that the devices are quickly ready for use.

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